Plan a Solidarity Action
Organize an autonomous action where you live!
The fight against the Mountain Valley Pipeline is far from over. Appalachians Against Pipelines are facing increased repression from the state. Pipeline fighters are facing workers endangering protestors, SLAPP suits, and escalated charges for nonviolent direct action.
Take action in solidarity with AAP by organizing your own direct action against the MVP and the companies and banks behind the pipeline.
On this page there are resources for planning your own solidarity action. You can find a social media toolkit, upcoming trainings, and graphics/flyers you can use to promote the days of action. If you’re looking for ideas of where to do an action, check out the solidarity targets page.
Jan 29th-31st Solidarity Actions
Block every path! The days of solidarity against the Mountain Valley Pipeline saw people all across the country rise up to oppose and fight back against funders, investors, contractors, and collaborators of the pipeline. Folks took autonomous action, organized where they are, and showed solidarity with the fight against the MVP, with comrades facing state repression in Atlanta, and with the people of Palestine.
We counted nearly 20 #StopMVP #BlockEveryPath actions from all over! There were rallies against Wells Fargo, Bank of America, PNC Bank, actions against EQT, ConEd, and so many more. Banner drops called for "NO PIPELINE ON THE AT," "STOP THE MOUNTAIN VALLEY PIPELINE," and "DOOM TO THE MOUNTAIN VALLEY PIPELINE."
Thank you so much to all the groups and individuals who showed up, organized actions and demos and rallies, and continue to fight to defend land, water, communities, and the planet from this toxic project.
Keep up the fight! The solidarity actions across the country showed exactly how widespread resistance to this project is, the movement against the MVP and what the pipeline represents exists beyond the mountains of Appalachia and the days of action.
The banks, investors, and corporations behind the MVP are the same companies behind Cop City, the genocide of the Palestinian people, and countless other projects around the world that are destroying the land and our communities. And those that are resisting such forces are facing repression and violence. The fight against all oppression and destruction is ongoing and no matter what, we won't back down. Keep going, keep fighting.

Spread the Word!
Help spread the call to action! Post about it on your social media, send it out to lists. Put up flyers around your town. Let’s get the word out far and wide!
Check out the example social media posts, example email, and graphics to get you started.
Make sure to include:
And make sure to tag Appalachians Against Pipelines:
Email Blast Example
The fight against the Mountain Valley Pipeline isn't over. Organizers on the ground continue a relentless direct action campaign as MVP struggles to cross waterways and treacherous mountainous terrain- including the Jefferson National Forest. MVP has failed to meet their end-of-year deadline, pushing back their in-service date to the spring. Appalachians Against Pipelines is fighting increased repression with pipeline fighters facing escalated charges, ridiculous jail sentences, and SLAPP suits. They are calling for people all around the country to join the fight against the Mountain Valley Pipeline. You can find out more about planning a solidarity action and the banks and corporations behind this fracked gas pipeline at
You can also support folks on the ground facing repression from the state and corporation by donating to the Appalachian Legal Defense Fund. Donate at to support community members being targeted for protecting their communities and land. All funds will be used for the costs of bail, legal defense and defendant support.
Social Media Post Examples
TAKE ACTION to stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline! Appalachians Against Pipelines is calling for people everywhere to stand in solidarity with the fight against the MVP. #BlockEveryPath #DoomtothePipeline
The fight against the Mountain Valley Pipeline isn’t over! Join Appalachians Against Pipelines in resisting the MVP, plan a solidarity action!
#BlockEveryPath #DoomtothePipeline TO ACTION! Join pipeline fighters everywhere in targeting the banks and companies behind the Mountain Valley Pipeline! Stand in solidarity with Appalachians Against Pipelines as they face escalated charges, ridiculous jail sentences, and SLAPP suits. #BlockEveryPath
If you want to know more about plugging into the social media strategy, head on over to our social media toolkit.
Social Media Graphics
Feel free to share and use these graphics and to make your own!